Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
*Provided to prospective students prior to enrollment
In order to make satisfactory progress towards a certificate, a Cosmetology, Manicuring, Barbering, or Instructor student must maintain specific grade averages in both theory work, practical, and laboratory work and proceed through the course at a specific minimum pace. For determining satisfactory progress, each program is broken down into evaluations. Students meeting minimum requirements for academics and attendance at evaluation are considered to be making satisfactory progress until the next scheduled evaluation.
Grade Requirements—Qualitative
Required Minimum Cumulative Grade Average
Students must maintain a cumulative 85% grade average in theory work and a cumulative 85% grade average in practical/ clinic work to be considered making satisfactory progress.
When a student does not achieve an 85% level in theory and/or practical examination, he/she will have the opportunity to review the work and re-take the examination. All students will be allowed to make up or re-take any work the student has missed during absences, at times appointed by the instructor.
Grading Policy
Theory Work Grading Scale
Below 75………..Failing
Practical and Laboratory Work Grading Scale
Below 75………..Failing
Required Attendance Rate—Quantitative
In addition to maintaining the grades specified above, students must progress toward completion of the program within a maximum time frame of 150% of the published program length. In order to meet these minimums, students must successfully complete, with a grade point average of 85% or above, at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the scheduled clock hours for the specified period. This means that in order to receive financial aid funds, you must also attend classes regularly. Before making your next disbursement, your attendance for the previous period will be reviewed. If you have not attended the number of hours originally agreed upon in your enrollment contract, your award will be delayed until 100% of the hours for which you have been paid have been completed.
Course Repetitions, Incompletes, & Withdrawals and Transfer Hours
Course incompletes, repetitions, and non-credit remedial courses do not affect the institution’s satisfactory academic progress standards as the institution has no such items or policies. Credits accepted into the program as transfer hours will be counted as both attempted and completed hours.
Re-takes and Make-up Work
When a student does not achieve an 85% level in theory and/or practical examination, he/she will have the opportunity to review the work and re-take the examination. All students will be given the opportunity to make up or re-take any work the student missed during absences. Such make-up time will be scheduled by the instructors and will be posted on assigned bulletin boards.
A student making satisfactory progress at the point of withdrawal may apply for re-enrollment in the College and will be considered to be making satisfactory progress at the point of re-entry. Students who withdraw from the school in unsatisfactory progress will return and be considered in unsatisfactory progress.
Financial Aid Warning and Appeal Procedures for Probation -- A student who is not maintaining satisfactory progress in academics and/or attendance will be put on a Financial Aid Warning and will qualify for federal financial aid until the next evaluation. At the end of the Financial Aid Warning if a student is meeting satisfactory progress the student will be removed from Financial Aid Warning.
A student who does not meet SAP at the end of the Financial Aid Warning may appeal to the Director within 7 days. In the appeal, the student must explain why he/she failed to make SAP and what has changed in his/her situation that will allow him/her to make SAP at the next evaluation. Students' appeals may include reasons such as injury or illness; death of a relative or other special circumstances beyond the control of the student. The Director will notify the student within 5 days if the appeal has been approved. If the appeal is approved, the student will be placed on probation for one payment period only. During the Financial Aid Probation, the student may qualify for federal financial aid. At the end of the probationary period, if the student still has not met SAP, the student will be terminated from the program.
Evaluation Periods for Satisfactory Academic Progress
Evaluation periods for Cosmetology students (1500 hours and 40 weeks) are measured in actual hours and are as follows:
1 – 487.50 hours and 13 weeks
488.50 – 975 hours and 13 weeks
976 – 1237.50 hours and 7 weeks
1238.50 – 1500 hours and 7 weeks
At the required minimum 67% attendance rate, the maximum time frame for completion is 150% which is 2250 hours and 60 weeks.
Evaluation periods for Barbering (1500 hours and 40 weeks) students are measured in actual hours and are as follows:
1 – 450 hours and 13 weeks
451-900 hours and 13 weeks
901-1200 hours and 7 weeks
1201-1500 hours and 7 weeks
At the required minimum 67% attendance rate, the maximum time frame for completion is 150% which is 2250 hours and 60 weeks.
Evaluation periods for Barbering (1500 hours and 63 weeks) students are measured in actual hours and are as follows:
1 – 450 hours and 13 weeks
451-900 hours and 13 weeks
901-1200 hours and 18.5 weeks
1201-1500 hours and 18.5 weeks
At the required 67% minimum attendance rate, the maximum time frame for completion is 150% which is 2250 hours and 94 weeks.
Evaluation periods for Instructor (1000 hours and 42 weeks) students are measured in actual hours and are as follows:
1 – 450 hours and 13 weeks
451-900 hours and 13 weeks
901-1000 hours and 16 weeks
At the required minimum 67% attendance rate the maximum time frame for completion is 150% which is 1500 hours and 63 weeks.
Evaluation periods for Manicuring (350 hours and 10 weeks) students are measured in actual hours and are as follows:
1 – 175 hours and 5 weeks
176-350 hours and 5 weeks
At the required minimum 67% attendance rate, the maximum time frame for completion is 150% which is 525 hours and 15 weeks.
Please note: The Manicuring program does not qualify for Title IV aid.